工学博士—控制科学与工程 2010年9月 — 2015年6月
工学硕士—控制理论与控制应用 2007年9月 — 2003年6月
工学学士—电气工程及其自动化 2003年9月 — 2007年6月
[1]第一作者. An Improved Second Order Sliding Mode Twisting Algorithm for Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking of Intelligent Vehicle[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2013.12.20 (SCI)
[2]第一作者. Stabilization of an Underactuated Ball-and-Beam System Using a Second-Order Sliding Mode Control[J]. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Information 2014,18(2): 121-127.(EI)
[3]第一作者. Extended Super-Twisting Algorithms Research and Application on Underactuated Surface Vessel. IET Control Theory and Applications.(under review)(SCI)
[4]第一作者. Finite Time Stability Control Based on Higher-Order Slidng Mode for TORA System [C]. ASCC 2013.03.23( EI)
[5]第一作者滑模变结构控制研究综述[C].中国控制会议, 2012.7.25.(EI)
[6]第三作者.Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Path Tracking of Underactuated Ships Based on Dynamic Equilibrium State Theory[J]. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2011, 4(6): 1148-1157. (SCI)
[7]第三作者. Tracking Control for the Underactuated Overhead Crane System based on Dynamic Equilibrium State Theory[J]. Information Technology Journal, 2011, 10(12): 2399-2405. (EI)
[8]第三作者. Backstepping Control Based on the Dynamic Equilibrium State Theory for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems[C]. 2011 International Conference on Electrical Information and Mechatronics. (EI)
[9]第三作者. 倒立摆系统动力学建模与滑模控制[J]. 控制工程, 2012,19:8-12. (EI)